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Children's Dance Classes

Term Dates 2024-25

We're open during main state school term times.  We usually close for one week of half-term weekday classes, (one Saturday).

starts Sat 4th Jan,
ends Fri 4th April
Half-term: Mon 17th -
             Sat Feb. 22nd


The 36 classes a year mean that a term is usually 12 weeks, (not including the half-term break), BUT sometimes, the Autumn term is 13 weeks and Spring Term 11 weeks, depending on the Easter break. There may appear to be more weeks if there are special activities, e.g. a show

starts Weds 23rd April,
ends Mon 14th July
Half-term: Sat 24th
- Fri 30th May 
+ no classes 5th May; 21st July


Holiday classes are arranged for extra exam practise, performance rehearsals, workshops or dance form not usually studied - those wanting extra learning
or fun can just join in ...

starts Sat 7th Sept,
ends Fri 6
th Dec.
Half-term: Sat 26th- 
                     Fri 1st Nov
    Christmas Party 7th Dec 

Pupils can join extra classes on a temporary basis if they need help for external projects such as auditions, GCSE exams or school presentations.

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