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Tap Classes

Tap ages 3 - Adult

Children's Tap Classes

Children's Tap ages 5-8

Tap - Primary

Saturdays      9.15-9.45am and/or
Thursdays       5.00-5.30pm

£15.00 monthly (£5.00 per 30mins class) OR STARlings

(30 mins Tap + 45mins Ballet +

45mins Modern)  

£42.75 monthly

(£14.25 per week of 3 classes)

Charlotte, Matilda, Amelie, P Tap.jpeg

A great class for boys and girls, guaranteed to bring out the style of shy children and extroverts alike. Tap develops rhythm and musicality, helping with Ballet and Modern if they are your favourites!   You can just wear outdoor shoes to try a class, and we stock tap shoes sold cheaper than shop prices.  (We often have second-hand pairs too - remember children this age change sizes quickly and pre-loved shoes are often of good condition when worn once a week by young children).  If also taking Ballet and Modern, you get a bigger discount!  For shy children who still want to take exams, the teacher is in the exam room with each group for this exam.  You'll be in a higher class if you've passed this exam.

Tap Dance Clapham

Children's Tap ages 8-12

Grade 1 Tap (inc. older beginners)  
Saturdays 10.30-11.00am
Grade 1/2 Tap (inc. older beginners)   
Wednesdays  4.30-5.15pm
Grade 2 Tap (inc. older beginners)   
Saturdays  12.00-12.45pm
Grade 4 Tap    
Saturdays  12.00 - 12.45pm
£19.50 monthly (£6.50 per class) OR STARlings
(45mins Ballet + 45mins Modern + 45 mins Tap)
£45.00 monthly  OR STARlings (60mins + 45mins + 45mins) £49.50 monthly  3 x 12 week terms per year

 You can progress quite quickly, especially if you're enjoying other forms of dance, or are very musical.  If you're an older beginner, we'll suggest you try some of the Grade 1 class as well as your 30 minutes of special attention, while introducing you to a more advanced class.

Tapathon Rows with Arms.jpg

Adult Tap for Teens

Wednesdays (Beginners)

Tap feet, diagonal copy.jpg
£10.00 per class, (pay-as-you-go), or £24.00 a month (£8.00 per class) for a year's classes (3 terms of 12 weeks), or half-term paid in advance £48.00 (£8.00 per class)

6.45pm - 7.45pm



Tap is a great stress buster and ideal if you can't commit to regular classes, e.g. you do shift work or have school exams to revise for!  Any age from 14 + can attend this class.  You can take ISTD Popular Tap Tests (meant for Adults and teenagers who come for fun) if you like; they're not stressful and there's much less content than children's grades!  

Also good if you've danced before, but not Tap - you can then progress to Grades!  


We also learn dances for performing and you can participate in charity shows - but we don't force anyone - you can make the tea instead! 

Wear flat outdoor shoes if you'd like to try a class without buying Tap shoes first, (though it is more fun with shoes); you can get them from our online supplier or eBay!  There are often second-hand pairs, too, or we can advise on the best shops if you want to invest in a gold-standard pair or have tricky feet.  

Adult Tap Classes


Beginners (Levels 1 & 2)

Experienced (Levels 4 & 5)

6.45 - 7.45pm

7.45 - 8.45pm


Beginners (Levels 1 & 2)


£24.00 per month (£8.00 a class for 3 terms of 12 weeks) OR
£10.00 cash/transfer drop-in price, or £48.00 per half-term (6 weeks, £8.00 per class)
Tapathon '23 with Arms.jpeg

Tap is a great stress buster. It's ideal if you can't commit to regular classes, e.g. you do shift work or have school exams to revise for.   You can attend from age 14; so far our upper record is 81, (and she got 93 marks out of 100 for her Level 1 Adult Tap Test)!  You can take ISTD Popular Tap Tests if you like to have a goal.  (Meant for Adults and teenagers who come for fun). they're not stressful - there's less to learn than children's grades!  


We also learn dances for performing and you can participate in charity shows - but we don't force anyone; you can make the tea instead!

Wear flat outdoor shoes if you'd like to try a class without buying Tap shoes first, (though it is more fun with shoes).  We can point you to our online supplier, (tthere are also second-hand pairs), or we can advise on the best shops if you want to invest in a gold-standard pair or have tricky feet. 


If you've had some experience, you might want to come half-way through the class and then stay to the first half, or all, of the more advanced class.

 Adult Class Registration Form

(also for enquiries re Adult Classes) 

  Tel: 07900 153731/020-7350 2928

** Please answer 'no' if none.

If yes, we will email you another, more detailed medical form for information and your instructions.  (Submitting your form will give permission for necessary emergency first aid to be given while we are acting in loco parentis e.g. calling an ambulance when appropriate)

Thanks for submitting!

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